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Who is Jesus?


Jesus is the son of God. He is the third person of the God head.

He came to the world to die for sinners. 1Tim 1:15-17.



What did he come to do?


 He came to save sinners through his death, burial and resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4


To whom were his works accounted to?


 We are the beneficiaries of the works of Christ.

Actually he was our substitute. He took our place in judgment, so we can take his place in righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:21.


As our substitute, what he did is taken as though we did it.  If he died for sins then we have. If he resurrected then we have. If he has defeated the devil then we have. If he has peace with God then we have it too.


(Now, who ever puts faith in the above substitutionary work of Christ has all the benefits credited to his account, his personal actions in the past is inconsequential.)


Therefore, what the believer is today is because of Jesus. So for the believer to know himself he has to look at Him. Our identity is now in Christ. Anything that cannot be found in Christ cannot be found in the believer!


This is the blessing of salvation that God sees us in Christ. He sees us the way he sees Christ on account of what Jesus has done.



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